Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The chicken's way "out"

Here's a letter I recently sent to my parents. GULP!

Hi Mom and Dad,

Hope you had a nice relaxing vacation. I know you've been under stress with J's financial situation but there's something I feel the need to share with you. I'm writing cause I'm chicken to tell you this face to face.

I'm bi-sexual. This isn't new. I've been attracted to females for as long as I've been attracted to males. I've stuffed those feelings down for a real long time. Now I find myself at a place where I'm single again and do not want to compromise my feelings any longer.

I'm telling you this in case it becomes an issue at some point in the future. I'm telling you this because it gives you a chance to know more about me and love me anyway. I am aware of the predjudice that exists in society. I do not take this lightly but I also strongly feel that who a person chooses to love is their own business. Hopefully these predjudices will go the way of people being discriminated against for loving someone of a different social class, religion, age, race etc. People are much more tolerent than they used to be. And yes, I've considered the kids feelings as well.

I'm not willing to discuss this in a way that would allow anyone to try to change my mind to limit my possibilities. It's just how I feel and who I am. I'd like to have your support but it isn't necessary. J and R both know and have been very supportive. This is a huge step for me as I still value our relationship and love you both so much.

In some ways I wish I were brave enough to tell you in person but writing this letter is the way I feel most comfortable for now. Now if I can just press "send."

Your loving daughter,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. What a proactive letter. I love the part about not being open to any mind changing discussions. Way to take care of yourself.

One thing though. I don't think a letter is the chicken way out. The way we feel comfortable sharing is the best way to do it.

4:40 PM  
Blogger anabel said...

The cliffhanger hangs until they get back from their vacation, which won't happen till next Tues. I'll let everyone in on it then. (or whenever they respond)

J.P.T. I enjoyed your comments and know where you're coming from. I don't like labels either but this is just the tip of an enormous iceberg and this is the easiest way for me to approach it. There's more coming down the pipe for them to get used to and I'm trying to do this as gently and comfortably for all of us as possible.

1:22 PM  

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