Tuesday, December 06, 2005


No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. Lots has been happening in my life. A quick update and possibly more detail will follow in (not so distant) posts.

I found a place to live. It's interesting because I was feeling really drawn to live in the town of Seal Beach. I was applying for apartments and even the one's that I thought I had a good chance of getting, I wasn't.

It felt like rejection. This is probably misplaced but as a good friend of mine says, feeling aren't always ratonal. Anyway, I decided to go to the area and pray about it. I went to the park near the library, offered tobacco, and asked the spirits of this place if there was room for us. I immediately got the feeling that a place would open up but I just had to be patient. It was a very welcoming feeling.

A few days later, on Nov.1st, I decided to cruise the area and look for new "For Rent" signs. I spotted one and called from my cell phone. The owner answered and said he would probably be there the next morning if I wanted to see it. He called the next day, I liked the place and faxed him the rental ap. He called later in the afternnon and offered me the place. I had the keys two days later.

The kids and I love the new place. It's 1 1/2 blockes from the ocean, close to Main Street, close to the library, and is nice and roomy. It feels right to spend the next year or so in this space that opened up for us.

I have a new zest to build up my Martial Arts school. Just became a corporatiom. (you know one of those entities that I sometimes look at in distain.)

My personal life is amazing and full of so many growth oportunities that it gets hard to keep up with sometimes.

I reconnected with a childhood friend which seems like it could be a really important relationship in my life. She was a big part of my formative years but I kept friends on the surface until recently.

My kids are doing great, the oldest turned 17 recently.

Life goes on!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, an update. Yay. Good to read about your move, already I had forgotten that imprtant detail about praying. Dang. It's the important stuff that escapes me sometimes.

8:46 PM  

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