Sunday, January 08, 2006


I decided to dedicate myself, yesterday afternoon and evening, to spending time with someone really important to me... Me. You know what the main thing I discovered about this person is?... She is my best friend. I love the way she thinks and how she views the world. As we walked along the beach she appreciated the feel of the air, the angle of the light, the joy of the other people, the sound and wildness of the waves and that incredible sense of peace that settled into every fiber of our being. Seriously, it's been a while since I have conciously dedicated special time for this multi-layered person and it was amazingly great.

We became bonded again. So I won't refer to her in the third person anymore. She is me and I'm realy grateful for that.

I walked up and down the beach to both ends where they end at a breakwater. Then I walked out onto the pier. I was feeling really good about myself, the day, the time I'd set aside and was looking forward to the evening that I also dedicated as "No electicity night" Candles only; no reading, writing, TV etc. Just me and my thoughts. Anyway, for some reason I found people looking at me differently. The best way I can describe it is the way you look at someone when you think you recognize them. They'd glance in the usual way you do when walking by a stranger but then they'd look again as if they were trying to place where they knew me from.

It was a strange sensation at first, but it just kept happening over and over. I wondered if I had dressed funny or something but ruled out all those kinds of possibilities. All I could think of was thay they were responding to the great sense of self, my gratitude for the day, and the huge feeling that I was an important person in this world, as was everyone elso around me; part of this huge dance called life that we all have an equal part in.

After a beautiful sunset, I walked home to continue my evening. More on this latter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is beautiful.

11:20 AM  

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