Sunday, January 22, 2006

Weekend Update

I'm having a fantastic weekend. I wasn't expecting this because Scout and her family are away for a few days. I've missed them but it feels O.K.

My kids have been wanting to have a get together with some of their friends at the new "Beach Pad." Yesterday was the day and it included their parents who I know pretty well from hanging out with them on our Homeschool park day. What was interesting to me was that I usually get a bit stressed because I feel like I'm responsible for everyone having a good time. You know that thing where you know it's up to you to make people happy. I've been trying to let go of that and damned if I didn't succeed.

There were times when the conversation lagged a bit or when a couple of the Dad's looked like they were going to fall asleep (which they sometimes do at park day anyway.) One woman manipulated the conversation some and kept cutting off my friend who looked at me in disgust. None of that was my problem and although I recognized these things, I just thought that these people were on their own and could leave at any time. I know this sounds easy for emotionally healthy people, but this was a breakthrough for me.

For the most part I think most people had a nice relaxing afternoon and evening with some interesting conversation and good pot luck food. Some elected to walk to the beach although it was a bit windy. My kids and their friends seemed to have a great time and didn't want to leave when they were told it was time to scram.

Today was lovely. After attending to the Scout family dog, the kids and I rode bikes to the farmers market. I spent time relaxing on the beach. We rented a couple of movies. Mine was "Bound" which I found very intruiging in a way that most gangster movies aren't for me. Lots of twists and turns but not so hard to follow. The girl on girl action was pretty cool!

Got to go and do my pet sitting duty. Tomorrow I have to get down to business so it was nice to have such a easy relaxed day today.


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