Tuesday, May 05, 2009

What's up

Just a quick check in. I was totally in charge of the latest Black Belt test. The man who founded my school decided I was ready to take this task over. It felt good. The test went really well and I have three new Black Belts at the studio. One of them is my daughter. She did a great job and pretty much exceeded my expectations. I'm very proud of her.

Still haven't ditched out on the sheriff's deputy hiring process but I'm still thinking that this may not be the move I want to make so I guess I'm waiting for some clarity. One the bright side, I signed up two new students this week so far with a good possibility of one more tomorrow. That's moving in the right direction.


Anonymous Anne said...

Hi Anabel dear. I hope all is well for you. Sorry i've been flaky lately. I'm tired and preoccupied. Seems like I just wotk, sleep, work, sleep... a crummy part of life's cycle that I hope shifts into something better soon.

Congratulations on running the blackbelt tests. I know you are ready Grasshopper. ;)
As for the Sheriffs - what if you applied for a different branch of law enforcement instead? Maybe you would be pleasantly surprised with, say, the Forestry Service for example. Hmmm???

4:30 PM  
Blogger Rox said...

I agree with Anne, there are more opportunities to serve and protect...or whatever.

Hiya! Congrats on leading the black belt testing and the new students!

9:39 AM  

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