Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stressful test

I took a polygraph test today as part of the sheriff's deputy hiring process. It was really stressful and took FOREVER! I think I barely passed but they said that "quality control" might want me to come back. Apparently I had a lot of "artifacts" which is where I twitched or breathed too much or clenched my ass or something.

I'm questioning if this is the right career choice for me. If I can get this stressed during a fucking polygraph test maybe my coping skills aren't highly developed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You shouldn't assume that your difficulty with the polygraph has anything to do with your suitability for employment. Polygraphy is has no scientific basis, and many well-qualified, truthful applicants for public safety positions are wrongly branded as liars each year.

I'm a co-founder of, a non-profit, public interest website dedicated to exposing and ending waste, fraud, and abuse associated with the use of polygraphs and other purported lie detectors. See our free book, The Lie Behind the Lie Detector for a thorough debunking of polygraphy.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Rox said...

LOL Oh you're a doubtful Debbie, aren't you? Have a little faith girl!

5:45 PM  
Anonymous anne said...

oddly, I have to agree with your spammer. lie detector tests are imvasive and stressful in a different way than anything else the sheriffs can throw at you. it does not mean you wont be a great cop.

thanks for sending the c.d. i have to go to the post office and get it. im really looking forward to hearing it.


1:35 AM  
Blogger tornwordo said...

Interesting. Though I could have done without the ass clenching visual that popped into mind ; )

4:57 AM  

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