Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Breaking Sports News

Hey sports fans. Let's here it for the very popular event known as "suddenly-finding-something-that-triggers-you-emotionally." The experts are great at realizing that something is up, calmly checking the facts, considering how much hormones or some core unresolved shit is fucking with their view of reality, not reacting immediately and responding in really emotionally healthy ways.

Yes, I know this sport well and guess what? There are times when I completely FAIL at this event. And the best part of this failure? Sometimes you get to take a few people out with you. You get to drag them through the quagmire where it's all messy and exhausting. Sure they can jump ship and refuse to participate but that takes a level of skill that most people don't completely possess at every waking moment. You sometimes snag them when they're vulnerable. Then there's the ever popular follow up event known as "having-to admit-that-you-kinda-blew-it." It may not come immediately but, for the most part, I'm getting much better at this one.

And... I had a great time at the Pride Parade and Festival and hanging out with some friends at a dock party nearby. Life can be sweet sometimes!


Anonymous Anne said...

Ack!! I'm not very good at that sport. :p

Glad to hear you had fun at Pride. They have a small parade here, but so far I've always missed it because of work.

11:09 AM  

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