Friday, March 03, 2006


I sometimes think of myself as a patient person. As a Martial Arts instructor I'm told, on a fairly regular basis, how I have increible amounts of patience to lead a class of a dozen 4-7 year olds.

But this patience comes and goes depending on the situation. I'm in the throws of an emotional gullywopper and would love to rush through it and get some air. This situation requires a tremendous amount of patience, the kind where you're willing to live with a huge knot in the pit of your stomach and hope for the best.

While I'm waiting, I'm also finding lots of places that need clarification so that I'm less likely to have to go through this intense a storm again. It's not easy. In fact it's nervewracking, dizzying, distracting, and downright uncomfortable! Doesn't mean it's not worth it or valuable, but really hard none-the-less.

The one thing I know for sure is that I'll be O.K. I hope it works out the way I want but I'll suvive no matter what. Finding this strength is amazing regardless of the outcome!


Blogger Stink Foot said...

A very wise man once told me when faced with a decision, “When you do not know what to do, it may be best not to do anything. Eventually enough information will come to you, and then, with that information you will be able to make a good decision”. Unfortunately He never told me how long it would take to acquire the information needed to make a good decision. I try to remember what the wise man told me and practice his teaching in my life when I am faced with a decision. I encourage the ones I love to take his teachings to heart, and comfort.

11:01 PM  

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