Friday, September 02, 2005

Fly Communication

O.K. I'll say right off the bat that this is going to seem weird. I'm not sure I trust myself on this. Could have been a complete coinsidence.

I was feeling pretty unsettled about the Hurricane disaster. I decided to go to a special place to pray. It's called "Dome Rock" and it's a short walk up the road to a trail that leads to the top of this huge granite hill. I go there fairly often and have had interesting emotional and spiritual experiences there.

I prayed with tobacco in the usual way and then sat down to just be still. I noticed after 15 minutes or so that I had not seen any birds. This place has an amazing panoramic view and there always seems to be Ravens, Hawks, etc. I amused myself saying the birds must all have the day off; kind of like Labor Day.

There was this one, and only one, very persistant fly. It kept flying around and landing on my feet and legs. I kept brushing it off but it kept coming back. It landed a couple of feet away and I looked at it and said in my mind, "If you want to talk to me you'll have to crawl up on my hand." I put my hand down and it immediatly walked over and got on my hand.

I lifted up the fly to eye level and thought "What is it you want to tell me?" I repeated this thought several times. Nothing came back. I then started to really look at this fly and the amazing details about it. It had bright orange eyes, a grey and black striped body, delicate wings, the same bright orange color on it's butt. The legs were midnight black and they moved in this incredible way. The fly seemed to be modeling for me, turning around so I could admire every part of it. Then this thought popped in my head. "If you can admire and accept me (the fly) then nature will do the same for you."

I know, weird huh? But then the fly flew away and this wooshing sound came over my head. I looked around and saw nothing but this repeated several more times before I realized that this big flock of birds were swooping down on me.

I'm not sure what they are called but I sometimes see them chasing huge Hawks four times there size. They have this super cool shape to their wings, real curvy. They continued doing this for about 5-10 minutes. I realized after a bit that I was sitting there with my jaw totally dropped open. I didn't feel like I was being attacked, more like they were playing with me. They would get to within a few feet and soar off.

Was this the example of nature accepting and admiring me? I'm not sure, but the timing was pretty incredible. I don't know if this has any earth shattering relavance but I might meditate on this and see if anything presents itself.

Knd of interesting though, don't ya think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh, comment spam!

That is an amazing story. Interesting how the birds are swooping on you again. I love the way you stay with things and let them make themself known.

11:04 PM  

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