Busting myself
I had a staff meeting at my studio this evening. We talked about what's working and what's not working. I laid out my plans and goals for the new year and gave suggestions on how we can work together to help achieve these goals.
I also admitted that one of my character defects is that I make great plans and even say I'll have something done by a particular time, then something comes up or I get distracted and it falls by the wayside. Something as simple as updating my mailing list and printing out the labels or sending out a monthly email. It's not like I think I'm fooling anyone or that they don't notice but I've asked my staff to mention it to me if I haven't followed through with something - even if they think it might annoy me. I told them that it would annoy me but that I'd be mad at myself and not them and that they'd be doing me a big favor.
I'm grateful to be able to admit stuff like that now. My ego used to get in the way all the time and I would make excuses. em has been a big help in this regard. I've learned by her example. She busts herself a lot, even for some stuff that I don't think she should claim responsibility for.
I just have to remember - working through these defects happens in three stages: Awareness, Acceptance & Action. I think I'm on the Action part here. I also need to remind myself it's all about progress, not perfection.
Having a safety net of people to call you on your crap is a great motivator! I hope it works and you don't karate chop someone...LOL!
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