Sunday, December 21, 2008


My kids and I have continued with a tradition that we started a few years ago. We celebrate the Solstice. This morning at 4:04 am PST we entered the winter season. My daughter asked last night if we could get up and watch the sun rise. She wanted to welcome in the winter that way. Son wasn't interested in this part of our celebration. There was more that we planned to do later in the day that he was more excited to participate in.

We set the alarm and got up. She and I stood on the front walkway of our third floor apartment and watched the light from the rising sun barely filter through a large thick tree that is down the block. We thought to wait until the sun rose above the tree but the plan was to greet the sun and go back to bed and it looked like it might take a while to clear the tree.

It was so beautiful outside. We are generally late sleepers but that time of the day holds magic! We didn't have any particular ceremony planned but then daughter starts quietly signing The Cherokee Morning Song. It's a really beautiful song sung in the native language. I joined in right away and we sang the traditional four rounds. It was perfect! My heart swelled with Gratitude for the coming day and my love for my daughter.

Happy Solstice Everyone!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, how beautiful. You and your kids are very special people. Happy Solstice.

2:45 AM  
Blogger Rox said...

It's 8:38 am here and the sun is just coming up. I had the thought this morning that "WOOHOO the days are getting longer now!"

7:40 AM  

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