Sunday, March 02, 2008

gay friends

Things are still hard but I'm having some success now with putting more energy into my business and that feels productive. Productive is good right now.

I've also decided to make more friends in the gay community. I've been going off and on to a coming out support group for years. The people there are really nice. Some of us have gone out after the meeting for the last two weeks and it's been great getting to know them better. I like being with people who somewhat "get" me. I can talk about em and they understand a bit where I'm coming from.

There are a whole lot of people who, like me, have waited till later in their life to come out. It's interesting to hear where they've been and what's going on for them now. There's one man who has the kindest, most supportive energy about him who is having a hard time right now. He said he feels like he's wearing out his friends shoulders asking for their support. I told him that his supportive bank account is really full and should feel fine spending that now when HE needs help.

Today I'm going to a birthday party for Denise, one of the meeting facilitators. She is a leap year baby. Her partner planned the party and invited both her and Denise's parents. Denise's parents will be there but Anne's parents have conveniently declined with a really lame excuse. You could tell they were both was hurt by this.

It's in LA which always seems like this far place but it's really only about half hour from here. Then I'm jetting back for a spiritual gathering. Nice full day!

Update: You know where I say that LA is only a half hour away? Well when the LA Marathon takes place it's a lot longer than that. I was headed that way and the freeways were jammed so I turned on the local news and found out about the race. I turned around and headed back. I called and talked to Anne who said no one had showed up yet. Guess this might not have been the best day to plan a party.

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Blogger Anne said...

I'm really happy for you that you have some supportive friends. I didn't want to rain on your parade, but I wondered if maybe you were selling yourself short by agreeing to share a mate with someone else. Maybe all three of you were. If it can be done, cool. But I don't think it's for everyone. I'm also happy for you that you had that experience and learned and grew from it.

I can totally relate to the paralysis you're talking about in your next post down. Don't worry, it starts going away after a while, but you can help speed up the healing process by forcing yourself to do new things and move on, one baby step at a time. Hang in there. :)

1:17 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

BTW, I'm bi. Not sure if that's twice as good, or only half as good as a gay friend, but I support you either way.

1:20 AM  
Blogger anabel said...

Thanks Anne. I've been doing a pretty good job in the last week of "getting down to business" as they say.

11:27 PM  
Blogger A Bear in the Woods said...

It's cool to hear your business is doing well.
and the support group sounds cool, too.

12:20 AM  

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