Monday, November 05, 2007


So last week I get a call from this guy. He's making a 30 second commercial promoting the upcoming North American Mixed Martial Arts Exposition. He's looking for volunteers to come help him with the shoot. I tried to get info from him on the type of people he's looking for or the demographic that fits his audience etc. He says he's trying to represent as many martial arts styles as possible. I told him I'd get back to him after I talked to another instructor to see if he's interested in doing this too.

Robert wanted to give it a try so last Saturday, he and I went to a local community college TV/Film stage and sat a round for a long time. There were maybe 18 people there all together and they brought us in three at a time to stand in these dramatically lit areas on a black floor. Our only instruction was to shadow box in these area as if we were warming up for a title fight.

It was pretty fun, the whole five minutes we were doing our thing. I have no idea what the finished product will look like or if Robert or I will even be included in the final cut. The director said he'd email us the air dates and channels and send a copy of the commercial to us. It was an interesting experience no matter what.


Blogger Rox said...

How cool!

Many years ago, when I quit smoking, a friend asked me if I would do her a favour by appearing in this video for her for the local health unit. It was all about making your home smoke free. So, I did it thinking no one would really see it save for those in the health care profession. Boy, was I wrong! They broadcast it on the local town channel over and over and over. Everytime I saw our school's priest he would say "Oh, I saw you again on TV last night!" Oy!

7:29 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth McClung said...

Wow, that's really cool; I'm still one of the people who get excited when they show a crowd of 10,000 people at an event and call around going "Did you see me, I was on TV!" - but this, this is being on TV looking cool and showing how to do (are there like peace time martial arts uses for like, building houses?)

10:03 PM  

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