Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Out on the Blanket

Hey All,

Sorry it's been so long sonce I posted. So I go off on this adventure, asking for you to send some good thoughts my way, then I don't let ya'll know how it went. I guess it's taken me awhile to process even a portion of what happened out there.

In some traditions this time is called a "Vision Quest" or "Crying for a Vision." Our people just refer to it as "fasting" or "going out on the blanket." Some feel that the first two terms are so grandiose that if some phenomenal, other-worldly experience doesn't take place, you might think that you failed somehow.

Usually you go out for a four day period and pray and meditate without food or water. It's hard for us modern natives to get that much time so many elders allow for two periods of two day fasts. That's what I did. (At least the first two days)

I expected to get really hungry and thirsty but that was not the case. I attribute much of this to the huge amount of support that I had. People were praying for me. They were drinking sips of water or taking bites of food and letting spirit know that it was for me. I had an interesting experience with this part in that one day, I was sound asleep in my tent but was awoken when a large amount of moisture was suddenly in my mouth. I wondered if many people has inadvertently chosen that moment to take a sip for me.

You are supposed to stay awake at night outside your tent and then sleep inside during the day. This was hard! I kept starting to doze off. It got very cold so I grabbed my sleeping bag out of the tent and once snuggly inside it I laid back to watch the stars and pray. The next thing I knew it was probably an hour or two later. This happened both nights. I thought that since I had slept a lot the second day that I'd be able to stay awake better. Oh well, I was trying!

This whole thing was an incredible experience. Much of what happened has had huge repercussions in my life. It has changed me in ways that I only feel from a place that is not connected to my brain. It's hard to be very specific with this stuff and much of it is very personal.

I can tell you that the Earth is alive in ways that many people don't realize and that she wants a relationship with us. I was gifted with a song while thinking about my grandfather's grandmother, who was a Cherokee midwife. I had someone at the gathering help me translate it into Cherokee and I am waiting for the tune to be revealed. It will be sung in Sweat Lodge and it is about birth; physical, spiritual, emotional, and also about the re-birth that happens in lodge. When it seems right, I will share the song here.

Spirit is alive and well and has a sence of humor. I experienced a lot those two days in the Sierra's as well as the rest of the week at the gathering. I look forward to completing my four day commitment.

Thanks to everyone for the support. It was felt and greatly appreciated.


Blogger Chunks said...

You're only the second person I have ever met in my life that has done this! What a cool experience! I'm so glad it was as uplifting for you as it was and I can't wait to hear more about this!

9:43 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

You seriously weren't allowed water for two days?? Amazing, I thought that would be dangerous to a person. I'm glad to hear that you actually came out of it for the better. If you feel like writing more about this, I would love to read about it.

2:02 PM  

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