Saturday, March 24, 2007

Where did that come from?

My dream life has been pretty vivid and strange lately as you well know if you read my "Dick on Fire" post. This last thing came from that place between being awake and asleep.

My daughter and I were snuggled up under a blancket on the couch watching "Buckaroo Bonsai." I kept drifting off so I finally asked if she was into the movie. "Not so much" was her reply. So we turned it off and I said I just wanted to lay down on the couch and go to sleep. I didn't want to get up and go to bed.

So then I suddenly say, "Hey daughter? (replacing her true name, I don't refer to her this way) She says "Yeah?" Then I stop and say "oh nevermind, I must be almost asleep cause what I was about to say doesn't make sense" She asked what it was.

I told her I was about to give her some sage advice: "Be careful if you step out of your body not to trip on your brain." Where the hell did that come from? Yet it started a cool discussion with her the next day on Astral Projection. It seems she experiences something very similar to this when she goes to her place of creativity. She's an artist.

Maybe that statement is something I need to store away for future use.

The other strange thing is that I fell asleep with a light jacket on and when I woke up the next morning, I was not wearing the jacket but instead it was on top of the regular blanket that I had pulled over me before going to sleep. I'm a very light, aware sleeper so this puzzled me. Neither my son or daugter covered me up - I checked.

Strange goings on around me. So exciting!!


Blogger Anne said...

I love that, it's so Alice In Wonderland.
If I heard that, it would seem to mean don't overthink things. Some things are only impossible if you think they are. :)

I tagged you for a meme, as you know. Sorry I couldn't get over here sooner and tell you myself.

5:47 PM  
Blogger skinnylittleblonde said...

Anne referred me here & I laughed out loud at your sage advice... I agree, we never want to trip on our brain, even if on an astral projection!

6:18 PM  
Blogger A Bear in the Woods said...

What an absolutely marvellous right brain thing to say! And something similar does happen when one goes into the creative state.
As to the jacket, I wonder if, in a way, you found a way to act out the statement you made to your daughter,in a non waking way.
I don't know if you're into the Bible or not, but the twelfth chaper of Ecclesiastes is all about this sort of thing, in heavily coded language. You and Em might have fun with it, as she comes from a biblical background.

11:10 AM  

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