Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mom replies

The long awaited reply....

Anabel and your family,

Your Dad and I have been gone for the last few days, but I want you to
that I have been thinking about your E mail constantly it seems. In
late evenings and early mornings, in the car, motor home and church. I
that I don't know what the answers are. They are so simple for you Anabel
You, from the very beginning have given us a fait accompli. You
wanted or needed our advice or council. Not when you had the abortion,
when you were being blackmailed, not when you and J were having
and thinking of divorce, not about your bi-sexuality, not about your
family which encompasses your bi-sexuality very neatly.

Your last e-mail puts us firmly in our place. We have no place. Any
we once had you have given to your new family. It's interesting to me
way you indicate birth and new family like the love we have always had
you has been completely negated by the "love" you have for the "new
You can not imagine the hurt that your Dad and I felt with the complete
disregard you showed in regards to you or the kids care and support.
guess that works two ways and that you are not interested in any care
decisions that might have to be made as Dad and I get older.

You have chosen a path that I can not follow and are taking your
with you. You say that you love what they bring to their lives. I
have to
pray that that is true. My faith and the faith of my mother is slow to
change but I do not believe that if I live forever that it will ever
a tri-sexual relationship. I am also sure that you are right that other
cultures do. But does that justify what we do. I live in this culture
and I
do my best to follow the "Golden Rule" and the Ten Commandments. I
would be
a hypocrite of the first order to call myself a Christian and yet
what I consider unchristian behavior. As a parent we set the examples
our children in hopes that they will have a happy life. In the name of
you are setting an example for your children that sow the seeds of
doubt on
what is accepted behavior in our society and will make them happy.

There are very few times that we get together anymore. Easter, Father
Mothers days, 4th of July and Christmas. Birthdays have been far and
between and our anniversary only on the special occasions. That¹s
8-10 days out of 365. All of the other days you have with your new
In my mind it would seem that isn't too much to ask of you. Perhaps
four to
six days out of a year. It would be you being uncomfortable versus six
us being uncomfortable.

I would also like to add that perhaps you won't always have this
with your "birth family". Dad and I are not getting younger and after
gone you won't need to justify your life style to us at all.

Dad and I have always loved you, and we have always been proud of you.
This has been a heart wrenching experience for us. We have honestly
to understand what you are trying to say, but to us it is beyond
understanding. This is your choice, we think you are wrong. This does
stop our love for you.

Mom and Dad


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I can't find the convenient line! Is it just because I shouldn't be mocking your mother and therefore I can't find it? I'm bummed, that was the best line of the whole letter.

It was the one I was planning to mock too.

Okay then, I'll be sincere. That is a mean letter, a fit throwing because you cannot be controlled letter. It is a leave the writer wide open to attack letter. It is not written in love.

At best, they are all still marinating. I'll bet if we took a poll of gay people they would characterize the marination process as hurtful and mean.

At worst? They are golfers.

9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's at the end of the first paragraph.

Please go ahead and mock away!

9:56 PM  
Blogger Chunks said...

Nothing like pulling out the Christian Card and bringing up every old thing that has ever caused them "disappointment" in you! Holy Crap!

"We have no place" is the ultimate of guilt trips. Never mind the fact that they are not willing to accept you and your lifestyle and the people that you love for the "six or seven days per year", but they are basically saying "All or nothing" And the whole "When we're gone" line. Are you sure we are not of the same family?!!

They are Catholics right?

They have to be.

Anyway. What the fuck is a tri-sexual? Is that when you are not afraid to try to be sexual? Is there some kinky fucking thing going on out there that I know nothing of?! I mean, as far as I know, there's no tri-sexual is there?

Can I email her back for you? I just feel so scrappy today!!!!!!

You cannot choose the family you were born into. THANK GODDESS that you can choose the one to love!

Fricken Catholics. I bloody know they are Catholics...

/rant over

Now I feel Catholic guilt for bagging on your family.

5:00 PM  
Blogger A Bear in the Woods said...

What a load of xxxx! Every line of that is calculated, to show herself as a righteous martyr, and you as an ungrateful, sinful offspring.
It's almost textbook material for the "guilt ploy" in chritian religious garb.
It makes me angry and sad at the same time.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Devo said...

Oh my lord, I have been away a while and am sad to read that load of guilt and crap your mom sent your way. I agree that it is just a reactionary angry retort vaguely disguised as sad and caring. A total load of shit! Damn it, why does religion have to make people so bloody narrow minded? They miss the entire point of faith and spirituality and it frustrates the hell out of me.

11:00 PM  

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