Off on an adventure
I'm leaving later today for an inter-tribal gathering in the Sierra's. Em, Eduardo and I, along with 3 of our 4 kids, are going. We will be gone for a week. Eduardo and I are going "out on the blanket" for a two day fast. I hope to strengthen my connection to Mother Earth, my real self, and to Spirit. Em was able to go last year with Eduardo and I in support back at camp. Now it's our turn.
I'm excited and a bit nervous. My new small tent that I bought for the occasion is setting set up in the middle of my small living room. I wanted to set it up once before having to pitch it in the dark tonight.
Food is prepared, supplies are laying all over and the mini van we rented is waiting to whisk us off as soon as Em finishes her classes.
Keep the good thoughts coming and if you are drinking some water Tuesday through Thursday, take a sip for Eduardo and myself.