Psych Review
I just got back from my oral pychological interview as part of the process of getting hired as a sheriff's deputy. I started this road last November and I'm down to the last hurdle which is a medical exam next week.
I was told by the psychologist that he thinks I would make a great deputy. He's been evaluating for 28 years so he says he speaks from experience. That was a pretty big shot in the arm because I've been wondering if I'm possibly too sensitive for this job. He said on the written psych score I scored highest in the "socially bold" category and that on another portion, it seems I have a strong ego that is well balanced. (He said it's not in that egotistical way but in a confidant way.)
He said that I'm really smart and suggested that I use the time that I work custody (jail) and get my masters and said he thinks I should also go for a PhD.
Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now. (Go figure!) Maybe this is the right career track for me or at least an experience that fits my adventurous personality. I'm thinking I should give it a shot as long as I pass the medical tests. Wow, this could be MAJOR!
I wonder what they'd say about me?
"Mentally unstable, too emotional, hair trigger moods..." HAHA!
Good news! Congrats. I can totally see you in a uniform.
Yay! I'm happy for you. I hope it turns out to be a wonderful experience.
- Anne
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