Talking about Roxrocks etc
em, eduardo and I went to see "Frost/Nixon" this afternoon. I really liked the movie. It was better than I expected. It elicited a very engaging conversation afterward that was as enjoyable as the movie. But I digress...
em and I were in line to get popcorn and I was telling her how nice it was today and how grateful I was to be able to open up my sliding glass door and let in some fresh air. em said she thought Rox would appreciate being able to do THAT right about now. We started talking about how cold it is in Rox's neck of the woods. I said that I had read -30 degrees Celsius and told em that that would be 2 degrees Fahrenheit since 32 F is freezing and 0 C is the freezing point in that system. She said no, that it would be even colder than -30 on the F scale. We were greatly amusing ourselves going back and forth for a bit then I asked the guy behind us if he wanted to weigh in on the subject. He'd been listening and he gave his opinion which seemed to support em's position. Then I looked at the woman ahead of us who was intently listening. I think she said that neither of our theories made sense. It was fun having this discussion with two friendly strangers. em tried to get a conversion on her iPhone but it come out that -30 c =32 F. We all knew that wasn't right. Then em said that she also knew that 100 C is water's boiling point which happens at 212 F. So then I said, "oh the whole scale is different," like metric and inches.
The guy behind the counter asked us how we were. em said something like "confused" and gave a quick explanation of the debate. He laughed and said he'd take a stab at -30 C being about 14 F. We told him he was probably closest. We found our seats with eduardo and told him about our dilemma. He kind of thought more along my lines. The trailers started and he was using his Blackberry to get info. He had converted some numbers in a way that made more sense but I still didn't see what -30 C would be.
Anyway, I'll probably look this up on-line. Maybe I should do that now.... Ta daa! -30C = -22F
Here's the mathematical conversion:
Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit:
1) Take your number in Celsius and multiply by 9.
2) Divide the result of step 1 by 5.
3) Add 32 to the result of step 2.
Converting Fahrenheit to Celsius:
1) Take your number in Fahrenheit and subtract 32
2) Multiply the result of step 1 by 5.
3) Divide the result of step 2 by 9.
Well I did get the whole adding 32 thing. But man, that is just butt cold, Rox. Is it hard to breathe when it's that freaking cold? It did make for a fun and lively discussion. At least some of the people standing in the long line at the concession stand were a bit less bored I'm thinking.
I'm such a narcissist, I LOVE that y'all were talking about me for a very long time at the movies! LOL!!!!!
It can be hard to breathe when it's that cold so people tend to cover their mouths with scarves or whatnot, but then the condensation from your breath will freeze or your glasses will fog up and you can't see so it's just easier to breathe it all in.
I always get messed up in the conversion too, but Torn informed me that -40C and -40F are the same temperature (effing cold!) so if my numbers are getting close to -40, just remember that I'm freezing my ass off. :)
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