Thursday, October 23, 2008

What about October 25th

I keep dreaming and finding myself orienting myself around the date October 25th. That is this Saturday. Weeks go I had a dream and in that dream I kept seeing one of those calendars that only have the date really huge on a single piece of paper. October 25th was circled in bold red.

I don't believe I have psychic abilities nor have I ever even seen a psychic. But since the dream I have had these thoughts like "Just hold on till the 25th cause somethings going to change"

I had a feeling at first like it could have something to do with Obama since I also saw his logo in dreams the same night. Then I thought it might have something to do with someone I know personally. Now it just feels really open ended. Maybe I should get a lottery ticket that day.

The only plans I have for that day is to participate with my demo team in a local parade and I'm going to a Pumpkin Carving Party that will mostly be other lesbians. There's going to be some seed spitting contest or something which amuses me greatly.

We'll see I guess. Except for winning the lotto, I'm hoping that nothing really comes of it. I've been prone to magical thinking sometimes and I don't think it serves me well.


Blogger Rox said...

Maybe you're thinking about the whole "60 Days Until Christmas" thing? Or maybe there's a special show on the tube that you were thinking of watching? I hate it when a date sticks in my head for no apparent reason. Drives me wild.

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I'm curious to hear what (if anything) will happen. Good luck, and be safe. :)


3:04 AM  
Blogger tornwordo said...

Interesting. I think I'll buy a lotto ticket too.

5:09 AM  

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