Friday, July 06, 2007

Guess what came out of my nose!

I thought I had a cold. It was strange though because it came on very suddenly and seemed to effect one nostril only. Also my nose would completely stop running for hours at a time then suddenly I was sneezy and drippy, then nothing again.

This was weird. Then today, I'm blowing my one nostril and of course I look at the Kleenex before throwing it away. (I don't think I'm the only one who does this.) Anyway, I look down and there's this huge burr there surrounded by snot. You know, the long narrow kind you have to pick out of your socks after walking through a weedy patch. It sort of looked like a small fish bone. Yuck!

Then I remembered that last Sunday, Em and I and some others were working at clearing out the yard of a spiritual woman who wants to build a sweat lodge in her backyard. At one point I was breaking up some tree cuttings and felt something fly up into my nose. I snorted and picked but didn't get anything of any significance out so I thought it must have been a bunch of dust. It felt big though and I do believe I was inhailing at the time.

So for five days this thing has been irritating my sinuses, trying to work it's way out. That was a good 6 hours ago and shazam! no more cold.

This was my most productive thing I did today. I was hard on the case to tie up some loose ends with changing back to my maiden name including a trip to the DMV. I was spinning my wheels at every turn. It sucks to be trying hard and not accomplishing anything...except for dislodging a foriegn item from my nose.

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Blogger Chunks said...

When I started reading this I thought "Oh God, I hope it's not a bug!" A burr? That is hilarious! Scary though too!

When my sister was a baby, she jammed a brown bean in her nose and we made a game of how we could get it out. We finally jammed enough pepper near her to make her sneeze it out. Good times!

I'm glad you got the burr out of your sniffer! LOL!

7:45 PM  
Blogger A Bear in the Woods said...

That's a pretty good accomplishment. I mean, it's a lot better than having that thing still stuck up in there.
My aunt came up to me, and said, "open your mouth and close your eyes, and you will get a big surprise". The she stuck a twig from a pine tree down my throat.
It took a trip to the doctor to pry that out.

2:08 AM  
Blogger r said...

(Daniel... I hope your aunt wasn't an adult when she did that. Sheesh.)

Anabel, that is so funny... I'm glad it wasn't worse. I always worry about foxtails and my Charlie-boy's nose. Them there things can cause infection!

Hope your week gets better and better.

7:46 AM  

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