Thursday, December 21, 2006


O.K. I'll play. I'll do everything except tag someone else. It's probably my aversion to chain letters so readers, play if you'd like. I was right next to my bookcase so I grabbed a book from it without looking. After reading what came up, I almost decided to try again but that would be cheating.

Meme about books. Here are the directions:
1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123 and go down to the 5th sentence.
3. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog.
4. Name the book and author.
5. Tag some people.

Here goes:

"Chronic stress and depression also play a role by poisoning the bloodstream with toxic by-products of adrenalin and other 'fight or flight' reactions.
First and foremost therapy is detoxification with a series of 7-10 day fasts with daily colonic irrigations. Therafter a diet of raw fruit and vegitable juices is indicated."

The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity: A Modern Practical Guide To The Ancient Way
by Daniel P Reid

This was in the "Diet and Nutrition" chapter under the section on Cancer.

Oh well.

When I first realized I had grabbed this book I thought "Hot damn, maybe I'll be writing something from the "Taoist Bedroom Arts" chapter; specifically where they describe the well established practice called "Polishing Mirrors." This relates to two women having sex. It would have been a bit more titilating. (Pun intended)


Blogger Anne said...

You hoped for sex, but ended up with colonic irrigation. LOL. Ah, such is life. Too funny. I hope being tagged didn't bother you. I hadn't thought of it as being similar to a chain letter. I hate chain letters too, but mostly because they threaten you with bad or good luck. That's just rude. I like this meme because it tells us something about you, or whoever is doing the meme. Thanks for graciously playing along. That book sounds interesting except for the colonic irrigation stuff. :)

7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(snort) Can't you just see the spirits guiding you to the colonic irrigation book? I know this isn't my blog, but:

The collective pitch control column raises the swashplate so that the pitch of the blades is sufficiently steep for the rotor to produce just enought lift to equal the weight of the helicopter. FORWARD FLIGHT The cyclic pitch contol column tilts the swashplate forward. The pitch of each blade increases as it moves behind the rotor shaft then decreases as it moves in front. David Macaulay _The Way Things Work_

Heh, heh, she said "rotor shaft"!

Apparently we are heavy on the non-fiction.

9:27 AM  
Blogger A Bear in the Woods said...

I was so thrilled the day I discovered why they named their band The Scissors Sisters. It sounds so much better than The Mirror Polishers.

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

are yuu the the femnine... the cournerparrt to the maasculine for which I have been searching... i am a homosexual male, who though entiely masculine, searches for the femaale, even as a tear for our forlon world traces an arc across my cheek, realizes that you are the my counterpart. the one soul that undersatnds the sexes, one that with me can guide the world into a new light, one which would bring harmony to every person in this suffering world.

Because for all the wishes for this winter beginning, we can all say that we wish that the world can become one under the true mystery of mascuiline and feminine

if not, then I wish you a merry YULE, and hope that in this new era I find my counterpart, the feminine to my masculine, the one who will help me guide the world into a new beliief?

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and whuilre the notipon of two women pleasuring themselves has no appeal to me, I think that two persons coming together in love an pleasure is the tantamount expression of Gia's concern.

Please write me.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Chunks said...

I'd like to hear more about the effects of stress and anxiety on the poisoning of the bloodstream. I don't need no colonics though, especially when stressed!!

I love learning about what other people read, although it makes me realize that I read purely for fun. I should read more 'to know more' or something. Oh well. As long as we're all reading!

7:52 AM  

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