Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wearing a Tie

When I was in first or second grade, I decide to join up with the Girl Scout brigade. It only lasted one year. This age group was known as Brownies. Now why would a major Tom Boy like me want to have anything to do with something like this? That's easy; it was the tie. I loved wearing that orange neck tie. I even put up with the stupid brown dress to have it. I also thought they were going to do cool Boy Scout type things like camping. But no, not even one backyard tent sleepover.

I remember making pot holders once. The stitches in mine were at least one inch long. I was the first one finished. What a bore! But I digress...

Why am I thinking about this? Funny you should ask. I was watching an episode of "The L Word." There is this great character named Shane who sometimes wears neck ties. It looks so hot! It made me think about these pin stripe pants I have with suspenders, a pin stripe vest, tuxedo shirt, and yes, you guessed it, a red bow tie. I love when I get the opportunity to wear that. Then I thought about my Brownie outfit and realized this has been with me a long time. I might just have to explore this tie thing a bit more; maybe add a few to my extensive wardrobe.

I don't know if I could get em to wear one. She'd look smokin' hot. Hmm, couldn't hurt to ask.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm laughing at the end. Yeah, I went through a tie period.

You look sexy as hell in that pinstripe.

10:18 AM  

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