Monday, December 11, 2006

Stanger than Fiction

I used to go to the movies fairly often. It was nice to escape by myself and get lost in a film for a couple of hours. I don't go too often now. There's not usually anything that hits my hot button. The movie studios seems to crank out so much of the same thing over and over. I dispise horror movies.

I was in the mood for playing hookey from some things that I really should have been doing although, when you own your own business, there's always something that could be done. I looked online for what was playing locally. I saw a movie called "Stanger Than Fiction" I followed the link to a summary and thought it looked interesting and it also fit my schedule.

The movie is about an IRS agent who leads a fairly mundane life. You hear the nararator and soon realize that she (Emma Thompson) is writing this man's story at the same time. At one point this man Harold, played by Will Ferrell, starts to hear the naration himself. He can't figure out where the voice is coming from or when he's going to hear it. He see's a therapist, then a literary professor (Dustin Hoffman.) Harold's life changes in some interesting ways.

Anyway, I enjoyed this movie. The premise is pretty unique and the acting is very good. Worth the price of admission.


Blogger Anne said...

That movie sounds interesting. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm not sure how I got here to begin with, just surfing and following links. I'm glad I happened by though. You write about some interesting things. I'm really curious to hear how that 3 person relationship works out, the emotional aspects of it. I think a lot about energy and intention too. Interesting stuff. I try to keep things fairly light on the blog though, because if I come off sounding like some yogi guru I'll lose my audience and no one will get what they need. Keep up the wonderful blogging. :)

11:47 PM  
Blogger Chunks said...

I've wondered about that movie so I'm grateful for that review!

Is it just me or do you get stiff and sore sitting in a movie theatre chair for two hours too? That and the constant crunching of snack food bags, talkers and open-mouth chewers keeps me from going to the movies that often.

I'm such a crank!

10:49 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

Hi, sweetie. Yeah, I figured out that Em was your mate, and that the other Em is an entirely different person. I was confused. Oddly, I just looked at both your blogs because I liked the names, without knowing you were connected. Small world, huh?

Yes I suppose I would consider martial arts an art... depends on the mindset of the artist, if you know what I mean. I would be happy to do something about you like I did with Slaghammer's pottery, but I want you to think carefully before doing it. Posting your pic or the name of your dojo might be tantamount to outing yourself on a mainstream blog. That's a big step, are you ready? In the meantime, I think simply leaving interesting comments like the one you left on my blog counts for a lot, and gets you noticed.

11:09 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

Hi! I have tagged you for a meme. Please see my blog, The Serious Post for details. Have fun!

7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this has to be more than coincidence... yesterday as my lover and i watched a movie, one of the previews was just this movie... about a man who discovered that a woman was writing his life.

Please cotact me

11:26 AM  

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