Sunday, June 11, 2006

Missing a trip

I should be in a tent cabin in Yosemite right now. I had this trip planned for months with some of my hiking budies from Idyllwild. Yesterday morning I woke up with a stomach ache, which soon turned into full blown nausea. I cancelled two karate classes and a special event the same evening by putting a sign in the front window and calling a few of the students who I was sure were coming and also having to drive from a ways away.

I knew I'd be layed up on the couch all day so I stopped and rented a couple of movies on my way home. Never did barf but felt like it most of the day. Slept and watched my movies all day. It felt king of good to slow my pace down and relax even though I was also feeling somewhat tragic.

It's interesting though that the day before I was super sleepy. I was also having feeling of trepidation about this three day trip. I've hardly ever felt like this before. I usually love to go on road trips, especially to such a beautiful place as Yosemite, with a hike to Half Dome for my second trip up those amazing cables to the top, but this low grade feeling of doom permeated my thoughts that day.

Anyway, I waited till 6 am this morning to make my final decision. Being that I was still feeling a bit flip floppy in my stomach and thought I could be too weak for a 16 mile hike from lack of eating, plus scheduling conflict I only just discoved on barfy day, I decided to stay in town.

I ended up slowly regaining my appetite which was readily apparent by dinner when I dined on home made chicken and dumpling soup made by em followed by a most delicious piece of chocolate cake, also baked by em, and ice cream.

This was to be a bonus/make up night with em and eduardo but he got called into work a mere hour ago. All three of us are very disappointed that he had to go.

Signing off for now. I've said a few prayers for my friends traveling and hiking. I sure hope that they have a fantastic trip. By the way, the trip leader/organizer is someone that inspires me very much. Karen is 62 years young and can out hike the entire group. Her spirit and strength amazes me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I'm glad that you are here with us. I'm sorry about the trip though.

I love you (don't tell anyone).

9:51 AM  

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