Friday, September 01, 2006


Guess what I bought recently? A gong! You know everyone needs a gong! Well at least if you own a Martial Arts school that teaches a Kung Fu style but goes by a Karate name.

I'd been trying to look for a way to get a bit of Chinese culture into the school without pissing off the Christians too much. We bow at certain times during class as a sign of respect but that's about it.

The kids and I were poking around town one day when we came across a store clearing out some imported merchandise. There, out front, was a beautiful gong. The stand is hand carved wood with Dragons on it. The gong itself produces a beautiful full sound. If hit hard it is very loud! The price was half off the sale price; about 60 bucks. I told the kids "I'm buying that gong!"

They were pretty excited and said "I bet no one else's Mom we know is buying a gong today!" We all laughed the rest of the day about this.

So now we have a gong at the school and we'll be putting it to use to bow into and out of each class. Don't know why, but it feels like this will bring some cool energy to the place.


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