Thursday, August 17, 2006

Feet Issues

I hate to have my feet tickled. If we're talking massaging or lightly touching... great! I'm all for it. But dig your fingers into the soles of my feet and a quick withdrawl is in store. I mean instantaneous followed by the following warning. If you continue to do this, you are literally taking your safety into your own hands and I can't be held responsible for the outcome. Add to this the thought of someone grabbing me by the ankle and immobilizing my leg from aforementioned quick withdrawl and it gets ugly, really ugly.

I hate the thought of losing control like this. Once em grabbed by ankle like she was going to tickle my foot and my hand went back with a clenched fist. This shocked her I think. She once referred to this as the time I "tried" to hit her. I had to correct her and say that my fist would have had to actually come toward her to qualify as "trying." Threatened, maybe. "Tried" no. Bad enough though.

Having thought that this was amusing there was occasional alluding to foot torture and the occasional foot grabbing attempts from both em and eduardo. I tried to explain my position but probably did this with a light air or grin on my face cause they just didn't get the scope of my adversion.

One night we were all climbing into bed together and they were lightly bantering about the idea that they should grab my feet and tickle them. The idea of them doing this gave way to me thinking about the possibility of actually striking them and that they didn't really realize the horror I felt at the thought this torture and my fear of my response.

I quietly said to em that they had to stop this, that it really bothered me. I started crying. I told her how my Dad would pin myself and my sisters down on the ground with our hands above our heads and tickle us even though I begged him not to and how I was furious with him at this abuse of power. Since we were laughing when he tickled us, he thought we were having fun and didn't get that we hated it even though we tried to tell him.

Anyway, she appologized and said that she didn't realize how this was affecting me and told eduardo that they both had to knock it off. In their defense, I was worried about ruining what fun they were having with this teasing, so I was not as direct as I should have been. I generally like the teasing type banter that happens between the three of us so it's not that I'm really thin skinned.

Anyway, a good lesson for me in effective communication.


Blogger tornwordo said...

Serge has rib issues. I've learned not to touch him there, even with teasing. My father used to do the exact same thing to me as was done to you. Since that kind of torture was the only real attention I could get from him, I often "asked" for it.

Then for years I tried to torture others, pinning them down and tickling them. I know now that that is an abuse of power and that people don't like it.

Now, can I tickle your feet? lol

4:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:01 AM  
Blogger Stink Foot said...

Re-enforcing your stance in writing. Very effective way to communicate your boundaries. A humble thanks.

10:51 AM  
Blogger A Bear in the Woods said...

With myself, it's more about feeling helpless at people willfully disregarding my stated need. It's the "Oh you don't really mean that", response. I can become like a couger in a cage at that point, doing and saying whatever is required to cause the offending party to realize that I did indeed mean what I said.

11:53 PM  

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